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Music Player App project in php my sql with source code free download

Music Player App in PHP

1. User authentication - Allow users to create an account and log in to access their saved playlists.

2. Media upload - Allow users to upload audio files to your server.

3. Playlists - Allow users to create, modify, and share playlists.

4. Audio player - Implement a responsive audio player using jQuery audio plugins like jPlayer or AudioJS.

5. Search - Implement a search bar that allows users to search for songs by title, artist, or album name.

6. Music library - Display a grid of all available songs in the user's music library.

7. User settings - Allow users to modify their settings, such as changing their profile picture or email address.

8. User activity - Display recently played songs, uploaded media, and updated playlists.

9. Social sharing - Implement social sharing features, such as sharing a playlist on social media.

10. Responsive design - Ensure that the app is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Remember to implement the best practices of PHP and jQuery to ensure that your app is secure and efficient.

Name of Project:     Music Player App in PHP and jQuery

Language Used:      PHP

Database Used:      My SQL

Design Interface:    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser:                  Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,

Software:                 WAMPP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP

About System


How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime

Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “music_player” folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,

Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin music_player_db.sql

Step 8th. Import music_player_db.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder

Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/music_player

Step 10th. Password: username: admin / password: admin123

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