Recents in Beach

Car Rental System in PHP MySQL with Source Code

The Car Rental System this system is only made of PHP MySQL Database using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Ajax, Modal and JQuery, the system is made up of two types it has an admin then staff, the admin has the ability to change all done by the user and staff, the staff also has limited access only to prevent any malpractice. This system is simple but it is easy to use and also quickly understood by the users, Note for Educational Proposes

Admin Dashboard

Home, Rent Cars, About, Contact, Client login, Our Company, Car types, other.


Dashboard, Vehicle Management, Hire request, Messages, Service Control,


Client messages, Time, send, Status, Content Control, Management, Send Messages, Unread messages, Delete, Edit, Search messages, Select and Delete selected.

Vehicle Management

Our vehicles, Car Type, Hire prize, Content Control, Delete, Edit, Add new vehicles, and Search.

Hire Requests

Client Request, Client Phone, Car booked, Mpesa ID, Status, Content Control.


Client messages, Time send, Status, Content control. Send Messages, Unread, Delete, Edit, and Search.

Car Rental System

Name of Project:     Car Rental System

Language Used:      PHP

Database Used:      My SQL

Design Interface:    Bootstrap CSS. Modal. JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser Chrome:                  Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,

Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP

About System


How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad

Step 3rd. Download the zip file

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “Car_Rental_system” folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive paste: for xampp/htdocs,

Step 6th. Open the PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7th. Create database name car_rental_db

Step 8th. Import car_rental_db.sql

Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/Car_Rental_system  

Step 10th. Password: Username: admin / Password: admin


System Images


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Daniyar said…
Hello, I can't see the car_rental_db.sql file in this zip. There is only "cars.sql" database. Can you please send it to me? Thank you very much!
Unknown said…
Hlo sir, I also can't see the car_rental_db.sql file in this zip. There is only "cars.sql" database. Can you please send it to me? Thank you very much!
Dhruvi Parmar said…
Thanks for sharing valuable information.
Sahana said…
Hlo sir,I can't see the car_rental_db.sql file in this zip.