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Voting Management System using PHP My SQL with Source Code | Free Download |

The Voting Management System, is develop in PHP MySQL database using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, Ajax, and JQuery. This system contains of admin and voters login, the admin can manage add voter, and give ID to votes, the admin panel where he/she can manage and view the total of votes and the list of total votes.

** Admin Dashboard **
** Votes **
Position, Candidate, Voter, Search.
** Voter **
Add New Voters, Last Name, Photo, Voters ID, Tools, Search.
** Positions **
Add Positon, Show Entries, Description, Maximum Vote, Tools, and Search.
** Candidates **
Candidates List, Position, Photo, First Name, Last Name, Platform, Tools, and Search.
** Balloon Position **
Ballot Position, Name of Candidates,
Election Title **
Title of Election. And Platform
** Dashboard Voters **
Profile Voters, List of Candidates, View Ballot,
  1. Voting Management System
  2. Name of Project:     **Voting Management System**
  3. Language :              PHP
  4. Database :               My**SQL
  5. Design:                    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,
  6. Browser:                  Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,
  7. Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
About System
How to setup this project
Step 1st. Download xampp
Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime
Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar
Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “Voting_Management_System” folder
Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,
Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Step 7th. Create database name **votesystem**
Step 8th. Import **votesystem.sql** file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder
Step 10th. Password: username: admin / password: admin

System Images

 For a Little Knowledge
MySQL Server as Security Risk
The MySQL server itself can present a security risk. Since errors in the code of the MySQL server are continually being discovered and corrected, it is absolutely necessary to carry out regular updates to the most recent version of MySQL. The least-privilege system is a high-security approach to the assigning of access privileges to users. It requires that no unnecessary services be enabled on the server, that the server software gets regular updates as soon as they are available, and that users are not given more privileges than their work requires. Exploits, whether initiated from outside or inside, take advantage of a security hole for the attacker's own gain.
Attacks (again, whether initiated from outside or inside) are often more aggressive and seek to disrupt, damage, or even bring down the target system. Unauthorized use is not limited to purposeful attacks or exploits on a server or network; it can also be unintended, as in these examples:
1.    A user with too many privileges may not realize they are inappropriate, use them inefficiently or incorrectly, and waste system resources such as storage space and bandwidth.
2.    A hurried developer who means no harm can unleash faulty code that disrupts a server no less than does a hacker attack.
3.    Sometimes an administrator's test of system security goes twisted and interferes too much with its operation.
4.    Knowing that your system is vulnerable to disruption, whether malicious or unintentional, should shape your security policy. The least-privilege concept provides a good starting point, as in these examples.

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Alex DADZIE said…
Please how can i login into the admin panel...
1 Source Code said…
watch the video how use the system
rayhan said…
there is no votesystem.sql file please share those files