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Simple Record User in Python | Notepad Database | with Source Code

1. First, we need to import the required libraries. We will utilize the `tkinter` library for creating a graphical user interface and the `os` library for file handling operations.

2. Next, we can create a function to handle the creation of a new record. This function would prompt the user to enter details such as name, age, email, and phone number. We will then store this information in a text file within a specified directory.

3. Subsequently, we can implement a function to search for and display existing records. This function would allow the user to input search criteria (e.g., name or email) and then retrieve and display relevant record(s) from the text file.

4. Additionally, we can create functions to update and delete records. These functions would enable users to modify or remove existing records based on their requirements.

5. Lastly, we can design a user interface using tkinter to provide a user-friendly experience. This interface would include buttons or menu options for creating new records, searching for records, updating records, and deleting records. It would also display the results of search operations and provide appropriate prompts to guide the user through the process.

Remember to handle error cases gracefully, such as when a record cannot be found or when there are file handling issues. Additionally, make sure to validate user inputs to avoid unexpected errors.

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