Laundry Management System
The Laundry Management System Project is a software application designed to streamline and automate laundry operations in a business or facility. It provides a comprehensive platform for managing various aspects of laundry services, including customer orders, inventory management, scheduling, billing, and reporting. The system aims to improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction by automating manual processes and providing real-time visibility into laundry operations. It may include features such as order tracking, automated notifications, payment integration, and analytics for performance monitoring. The Laundry Management System Project is continuously updated and enhanced to meet the specific needs of laundry businesses and ensure smooth operations.
- Name of Project: Laundry Management System
- Language used: PHP
- Used Database: My SQL
- Design Interface: bootstrapJavaScript, HTML, Ajax,
- Browser:
Opera MozillaGoogle Chrome IE8,
Dashboard: Main Navigation
- Home
- Laundry Type
- Report
- Change Password
- Logout
How to setup this project
- Download xampp
- “Text editor” notepad++ or Sublime
- Download the zip file
- Extract the file and copy “Laundry-System-PHP” folder
- Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: xampp/htdocs,
- Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- Create database name laundry
- Import laundry.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder
- Run the script http://localhost/ Laundry-System-PHP
- Password inside the file
System Images