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Free Source Code in php mysql Company Visitor Management System Project

Company Visitor Management System Project

Certainly! Here is an outline for a Company Visitor Management System project:

1. Visitor Registration:

- Provide a visitor registration form where visitors can enter their details such as name, contact information, and reason for the visit.
- Validate the registration form to ensure all required fields are filled, and the input is in the correct format.
- Generate a unique visitor ID or badge to be assigned to each visitor for identification purposes.

2. Check-in Process:

- Implement a check-in process where visitors can provide their visitor ID or scan a QR code at the reception desk.
- Verify the visitor's identity by cross-referencing the provided ID with the registered visitor database.
- Capture the check-in timestamp and record it in the system.

3. Host Notification:

- Notify the host employee about the visitor's arrival through various channels such as email, SMS, or instant messaging.
- Include relevant visitor details like name, contact information, and reason for the visit in the notification.
- Allow the host to acknowledge or decline the visitor if necessary.

4. Visitor Badge Printing:

- Design and print visitor badges that include visitor information and a unique identification number.
- Generate dynamic visitor badges with features like QR codes, barcodes, or RFID tags for easy identification.

5. Check-out Process:

- Implement a check-out process where visitors can return their badges or sign out through a self-service kiosk or reception desk.
- Update the visitor's status as checked out in the system and record the check-out timestamp.

6. Visitor Logs and Reporting:

- Store visitor information, check-in, and check-out timestamps in a centralized database.
- Provide an administrative dashboard for authorized personnel to view and manage visitor logs.
- Generate reports on visitor statistics, including total visitors, peak visiting hours, and recurring visitors.

7. Security and Integration:

- Integrate with an access control system to grant temporary access cards to visitors based on their check-in status.
- Implement security measures like capturing visitor photos or scanning identification documents for identification and verification purposes.
- Ensure that the system adheres to data privacy and protection regulations.

8. Additional Features:

- Implement a pre-registration feature where visitors can schedule their visits in advance.
- Enable host employees to pre-authorize visitors and send them personalized invitations.
- Provide an emergency evacuation feature to quickly identify and account for visitors during emergencies.

Remember to prioritize security, privacy, and ease of use when developing your Company Visitor Management System. Customize the features and functionalities based on your company's specific needs and requirements. If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask!

  • Name of Project:     Company Visitor Management System Project
  • Language Used:          PHP
  • Database Used:          MySQL
  • Design Interface:    HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, bootstrap
  • Browser:                 Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,
  • Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
About System:
  1. Admin Profile
  2. New Visitor
  3. Manage Visitor
  4. Visitors B/W Dates
How to setup this project
  • Download xampp
  • “Text editor” notepad++ or Sublime/ etc
  • Download the zip file/ Download winrar
  • Extract the file and copy “cvms” folder
  • Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: (for xampp/htdocs,
  • Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Create database name cvmsdb
  • Import cvmsdb.sql file(given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)
  • Run the script http://localhost/cvms
  • Password inside the file

System Images

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